Activity / 【Symposium report】S2DH Kickoff Symposium
【Symposium report】S2DH Kickoff Symposium

The “Social Smart Dental Hospital Kickoff Symposium” was held on March 9, 2018 at the Icho Hall in Osaka University.
A total of 190 people, including Osaka University, came from many companies and universities.


The opening address was given by Mr. Shinya Murakami, Director General of Osaka University Dental Hospital, Mr. Shojiro Nishio, President of Osaka University, and Mr. Katsumi Emura, Executive Director and Managing Executive Officer and CTO of NEC Corporation.




In the first part, a keynote speech was given by Dr. Yuichi Nakamura, Director of the NEC Platform Research Laboratories, and an invited speech by Prof. Taishi Matsumura, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University.



In the second part, presentations on research themes were given at Osaka University Dental Hospital and Cybermedia Center.





Subsequent panel discussions discussed the use of medical information, and legal and security issues.

Osaka University Hideki Yoshikawa, Executive Vice-President, gave a closing remarks, and the symposium ended successfully.



Many people participated in the information exchange meeting held after the symposium, and opinions were actively exchanged.



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